Coverage of the Development of Irrigation Systems in the Foreign Literature in the Reign of Amir Temur and the Temurids

  • Makhmudova Muazzam Basic doctoral student of the Department of “Humanities” of Research University of “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers”
Keywords: Irrigation systems, foreign literature, researchers, Transoxiana, Khurasan Province


Many countries have conducted research on various aspects of Amir Temur's and the Temurids' history, but there has been no comprehensive study of the evolution of irrigation systems. This study looks at the international literature on irrigation systems during the reign of Amir Temur and the Temurids.


1. Amir Temur bibliography. The first book // Compilers: Fayziev H.T., Buriev O., Rakhmatullaev A.R., Sharipov A.A., Berdieva Z.Sh., Uljaboeva S.B., Avazov FA, Editors-in-Chief H.T. Fayziev, O. Bo'riev. - Tashkent: Science, 2020. – p.576.
2. Ismail Aka. The state of the great Timur. - Tashkent: Cholpon, 1996. – p.152.
3. Ismail Aka. XV. Yüzyilin ilk yarisinda timurlular’da ziraî ve ticarî faaliyetler // Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi. – Istanbul: Istanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi, 1981. – 459 s.
4. Ismail Aka. The agricultural and commercial activities of the timurids in the first half of the 15th century // Oriente Moderno, 15 (76), Nr. 2, Volume I, 1996. – p.344.
5. Bernard O'Kane. Timurid architecture in Hurasan. Part I. University of Edinburgh. – Edinburgh, 1982. – 272 p.; Bernard O'Kane. Timurid architecture in Hurasan. Part II. University of Edinburgh. – Edinburgh, 1982. – p.360.
6. Blair Sh. Reviewed Work(s): The Timurid Architecture of Iran and Turan by Lisa Golombek: Timurid Architecture in Khurasan by Bernard O'Kane // Iranian Studies, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1989. – P 74.
7. Allen T. Timurid Herat. – Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1983. – p.95.
8. Krawulsky D. Häfiz Abrü: Horäsän zur Timuridenzeit: nach dem Tärih-e Häfez-e Abrü (verf. 817—823 h.). – Wiesbaden : Reicher, 1984. – 306 s.
9. Golombek L., Wilber D. The Timurid Architecture of Iran and Turan. Vol. I. – New Jersey: Princeton University press, 1988. – p.510.
10. Herrmann G., Kennedy H. Monuments of Merv traditional buildings of the Karakum. – London: The Society of Antiquaries of London, 1999. – p.244.
11. Subtelny M. Timurids in Transition: Turko-Persian Politics and Acculturation in Medieval Iran. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2007. – p.414.
12. Sela R. Timurids in Transition: Turko-Persian Politics and Acculturation in Medieval Iran by Maria E. Subtelny // The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 68, No. 2, 2009. – P. 627.
13. Gholam Reza Kuros, Mr. Majid Labbaf Khaneiki. Water and irrigation techniques in Ancient Iran. – Tehran: IRNCID, 2007. – p.202.
14. Rout B. How the Water Flows: A Typology of Irrigation Systems in Afghanistan. – Kabul: AREU, 2008. – p.76.
15. Chokkakula S. Interrogating Irrigation Inequalities. Canal Irrigation Systems in Injil District, Herat. – Kabul: AREU, 2009. – p.44.
16. Şahin M. Orta çağda Herât bölgesi(Gaznelilerin kuruluşundan timurlularin yikilişina kadar), (961-1507) // Doktora Tezi. – Tokat, 2013. – 516 s.
17. Şahin M. Orta çağ’da Herât bölgesinde tarim, tarimsal sulama ve sulama hukuku // A. Ü. Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi [TAED], № 50. – Erzurum, 2013. –347 s.
18. Noelle-Karimi Ch. The pearl in its midst Herat and the mapping of Khurasan (15th–19th Centuries). – Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2014. – 374 p.
19. Kangi A., Rahnamard J., Alizade M., Ghandehary. The ancient dams built by the Timurids (1350 to 1490 A.D.) in North East of Iran // WALIA journal 31 (S1). – Addis Ababa, 2015. – 210 p.
20. Christensen, P. The Decline of Iranshahr: Irrigation and Environments in the Middle East, 500 B.C. to A.D. 1500. Translated by Steven Sampson. – London-New York: I.B. Tauris, 2016. – 414 p.
21. Macit E. Timurlular zamaninda Azerbaycan // Doktora tezi. – Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi, 2017. – 310 s.
22. Ranjbari Z. Botanic and Poetic Landscapes. A Reading of Two Persian Texts on Early Safavid Gardens // Doctor of Philosophy. – Adelaide, 2018. – p.254.
How to Cite
Muazzam, M. (2022). Coverage of the Development of Irrigation Systems in the Foreign Literature in the Reign of Amir Temur and the Temurids. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(6), 11-15. Retrieved from