The Rule of the Ancient Bactrian Cavalry in the History of the Peoples of Central Asia

  • Nozim Muzrapovich Ikromov PhD. Termez State University, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Avesta, Ancient Bactria, Kavi, Vishtaspa, Yasht, Zoroastrianism


It is illuminated the history of Kavi, the essence of the term in this article. The title of Kavi was not used in Bactria in the Achaemenids period, satrapies was introduced this territory as in the whole territory of the empire, and lasted for two hundred years. In the period of the Empire of Achaemenids, along with Kaviylik management, the phrase Kaviylik has also been forgotten. In the post-Achaemenids period, especially during the reigns of Alexander the Great, the The Seleucid Empire, Greek Bactria, and the Kushan Empire, the title of kavi was not used in coins.


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How to Cite
Ikromov, N. M. (2021). The Rule of the Ancient Bactrian Cavalry in the History of the Peoples of Central Asia. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 2(10), 111-118. Retrieved from