Home Weaving and Crafts of the Villagers of the Fergonia Valley (Late 19th, Early 20th Centuries)

  • Noila Xaitboyеva Obabakirovna Doctoral student of Andijan State University
Keywords: oriental studies, archeography, expedition, Turkestan, handwritten books


The process of modem development of independent Uzbekistan is going on taking into account the historically established tenor of life, customs and traditions, the national character of the Uzbek people, the nation's achievements for the last centuries.


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2. Исоков Зиёдулло Сафаралиевич. (2022). ЗЕМЛЕДЕЛЬЧЕСКОГО ХОЗЯЙСТВА ФЕРГАНСКОЙ ДОЛИНЫ В КОНЦЕ XIX – НАЧАЛЕ XX ВЕКА . PEDAGOGS Jurnali, 11(5), 147–155. Retrieved from https://pedagoglar.uz/index.php/ped/article/view/1436
How to Cite
Obabakirovna, N. X. (2023). Home Weaving and Crafts of the Villagers of the Fergonia Valley (Late 19th, Early 20th Centuries). Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 4(10), 102-104. Retrieved from https://cajssh.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJSSH/article/view/917