The History of Literary Nights of the Ruler of Bukhara Abdullakhan

  • Sherxon Qorayev "TIQXMMI" National Research University, Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnologies, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology
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Science, culture, and literature continued to develop in Bukhara during the reign of Shaibani rulers Abdulla Khan II (chief khanate: 1581-1598). In particular, literary gatherings were held in the palace of Abdulla Khan II, where prominent poets of their time organized discussions. Historian Sharafuddin Rakimi wrote down that countless poets, scientists and virtuous people were around Abdullah Khan.1 It is written in "Musaxhir al-bilad" that "(Abdullah Khan) is high-spirited, full of passion, Bahram is powerful, No-shirvan is just, generous in nature, healthy in nature, cheerful, unique, born in Jamshid, sheltered by Iskandar." , the star hasham, Suleiman was a wandering king...


1. Sharafuddin Roqimiy. Tarixi tomm. T. Ma’naviyat, 1998.-B.132.
2. Muhammadyor ibn Arab Qatag‘an. Musaxxir al-bilod. T.: Yangi asr avlodi, 2009.-B.227-228.
3. Mutribiy Samarqandiy. Tazkirat ush-shuaro. T. Mumtoz so‘z, 2013.-B.24.
4. Hasanxoja Nisoriy. Muzakkiri ahbob. T. Meros, 1993.-B.335.
5. Sharafuddin Roqimiy. Tarixi tomm. T.Ma’naviyat, 1998.-B.125-126.
6. Hasanxoja Nisoriy. Muzakkiri ahbob. T. Meros, 1993.-B.246.
7. Ko‘rsatilgan asar.-B.443.
8. Hofiz Tanish al-Buxoriy. Abdullanoma. Birinchi kotib. T.: “Sharq” NMK BT, 1999.-B.341.
9. Ko‘rsatilgan asar. –B.342.
10. Faxriy Hiraviy. Javohir ul-ajoyib. T. Mumtoz so‘z, 2014.-B.172.
11. Mutribiy Samarqandiy. Tazkirat ush-shuaro. T. Mumtoz so‘z, 2013.-B.99.
12. Ko‘rsatilgan asar. –B.569.
13. Ko‘rsatilgan asar. –B.570.
14. Ko‘rsatilgan asar. –B.571.
15. Ko‘rsatilgan asar. –B.568.
16. Ko‘rsatilgan asar.-B.384-385.
17. Ko‘rsatilgan asar. –B.569.
18. Ko‘rsatilgan asar.-B.106.
How to Cite
Sherxon Qorayev. (2023). The History of Literary Nights of the Ruler of Bukhara Abdullakhan. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 4(10), 1-4. Retrieved from