Development of Trade in the Cities of Karakalpakstan in the XXTH Century

  • Esnazarova Zulfiya Baltashovna Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of “Social Sciences” of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz
Keywords: urbanization, cities, trade, market, economy, agriculture, parishes


This article is devoted to the development of trade in the cities of Karakalpakstan. It is mentioned that in the XX-th century the development of trade in Karakalpakstan was associated with the production of agricultural products. The existence of bazaars in Petro-Aleksandrovsk, Shabbaz (on the territory of the modern Beruni region), Shorakhan, Biybazar, Sarybai, Chimbay, Nukus, Khojeli, Nazarkhan was revealed.


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How to Cite
Baltashovna, E. Z. (2023). Development of Trade in the Cities of Karakalpakstan in the XXTH Century. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 4(5), 98-103.