Getting fuel by pyrolysis device and using it

  • Kholikov Komil Nurmahmatovich Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, Karshi Engineering and Economics Institute
Keywords: Pyrolysis, reactor, benzene, toluene, naphthalene, aroma, hydrocarbon


High temperature in the reaction zone of the raw material in a short time and sufficient mixing of the raw material with water vapor to increase the rate of gas formation. Along with the formation of gas, additional liquid product pyrolysis - resin is also formed. Pyrolysis is one of the most important methods of obtaining raw materials in industry for the chemical synthesis of petroleum. This process occurs at relatively low temperatures (500–800 ° C) compared to gasification (800–1300 ° C) and combustion (900–2000 ° C). When wood is heated in an airless place from 450 to 800 0C, gaseous and liquid products, as well as solid residue - charcoal are formed. This method was widely used in ancient times 80-90 years ago in charcoal, coal from blacksmithing, shashlik cooking, jewelry


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How to Cite
Kholikov Komil Nurmahmatovich. (2021). Getting fuel by pyrolysis device and using it. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 2(2), 103-105. Retrieved from