High spiritual Patriotic officer staff - the future of our National Army

  • Rozimova Yorqinoy Yuldashevna Teacher of the Department of Humanities of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Candidate of Historical Sciences captain
Keywords: Border, spiritual, patriotic, community, peace, defense, morality, cooperation, combat, national, professional army, region


This article focuses on the role and importance of state and public organizations in the organization of educational work with servicemen, cadets of military schools and military lyceums serving in the national army, the formation of army and people's unity in the field of defense.


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How to Cite
Rozimova Yorqinoy Yuldashevna. (2021). High spiritual Patriotic officer staff - the future of our National Army. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 2(2), 70-73. Retrieved from https://cajssh.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJSSH/article/view/65