The historical fundaments of Islamic Culture in Bukhara

  • Jurayev Shodmon Fayzullayevich Senior Lecturer of the Bukhara state university
  • Allamov Akbar Axtamovich Senior Lecturer of the Bukhara state university
Keywords: centure culture, culture, Romush, Lolazor, Varakhsha, Vardanze renaissance


Bukhara has a huge international potential as one of the centers of Islam in the East. For many centuries, many cultural monuments of the Muslim East were created here. In architecture, these are the Samanid Mausoleum, the Kalyan Minaret (the symbol of the city of Bukhara), the Kalyan Mosque, the Mir Arab Madrasah, the Bahauddin complex, the Chor Bakr complex and others. The great enlighteners of Bukhara were Ismail Bukhari, Abul Haws Kabir Bukhari, Bahauddin Naqshbandi and other religious scholars of the Muslim world. This article is dedicated to the fact that Bukhara is an exemplary center of Islamic culture and education. The article is intended for specialists in the field of social sciences and humanities


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How to Cite
Jurayev Shodmon Fayzullayevich, & Allamov Akbar Axtamovich. (2021). The historical fundaments of Islamic Culture in Bukhara. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 2(2), 51-59. Retrieved from