Educational Reforms Are the Main Criteria for the Development of Youth

  • Jabborova Malohat Azimovna Shahrisabz State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: education, training, student, advanced technologies, science, erial and technical base, reforms, psychological mechanism


In today's globalized world, education plays an important role in the development of a person in all aspects, in the formation of perfection and the qualities characteristic of a qualified specialist. Today's fast-paced era requires students to be armed with reasonable information in a short period of time, and to create the necessary conditions for their thorough mastery of various science foundations. In this article, the educational reforms to bring the Uzbek educational system to a new level of quality and provide modern knowledge to students are briefly described.


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How to Cite
Azimovna, J. M. (2023). Educational Reforms Are the Main Criteria for the Development of Youth. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 4(1), 111-114.