The Importance and Contextual Semantics of Slangs in English Language

  • Erkinov Ma’murjon Master’s degree student of Namangan state university
Keywords: slangs, negativity, communication, stylistic devices, irony, semantics


This article is devoted to the analysis of the slangs, its usage in the texts, distinct meaning as well as structural and semantic classification based on the study of examples of various texts and everyday life. The primary role of the slangs, as a lexical figure, is to put forward ease the language usage. The article analyzed views of scientists on the lexical-semantic concepts of the slangs and presented examples from literary works and reflected them in the article.


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How to Cite
Ma’murjon, E. (2023). The Importance and Contextual Semantics of Slangs in English Language. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 4(1), 106-110.