The theory of knowledge of abu mansur al-moturidi

  • Radjapova Marg‘uba A senior lecturer at the Department of History of Uzbekistan, Andijan State University
Keywords: school of ash'ariyya, school of moturidiya, akayd, zindiki, karmati, sunnits, tawhid, maturidiya, hadith


The article describes Abu Mansur al-Moturidi’s views on the creation of the universe. In particular, Moturidi’s trust in the teachings of Abu Hanifa is based on the need to combine reason and story, not just reason. Discusses the view soft Moturidi on, the awareness that imitation is false and the means of its formation, the metaphorical, mental and emotional evidence of the appearance of bodies. The article also notes the benefits and significance of al- Moturidi’s teachings today.


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How to Cite
Radjapova Marg‘uba. (2021). The theory of knowledge of abu mansur al-moturidi. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 2(2), 32-35. Retrieved from