Child Study and Family Engagement: A Case Study of a Kindergarten Two (KG2) Child of Choggu Yapalsi M/A KG and Primary School

  • Abdallah Soma
Keywords: Child Study, Family Engagement, Slow Learner, school and home life


This study uses non-participant observation and qualitative interviews to examine the life of Mutawakilu a KG2 child of Choggu Yapalsi M/A KG and Primary School as a single case within the social and academic context of the home and the school to ascertain the gaps in his academic and socioemotional development. The findings of this study reveal that Mutawakilu’s life at home and in school is that of an ordinary child who is playful, happy, unconcerned, and very active.  The difference between him and most of his peers is that he is a slow learner and as such, he has difficulties handling academic tasks successfully. His situation is worsened by his family’s poor socioeconomic and educational status resulting in neglect and poor family engagement. The study recommends that Mutawakilu's parents should defy the odds and get more engaged in their child’s education by visiting his school occasionally, attending PTA meetings, and encouraging their older son to engage him in learning activities at home on daily basis. The study also entreats Mutawakilu’s class teacher to consider using individualised instruction, peer-teaching, activity-oriented learning to support Mutawakilu to overcome his learning challenges and perform satisfactorily.


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How to Cite
Soma, A. (2022). Child Study and Family Engagement: A Case Study of a Kindergarten Two (KG2) Child of Choggu Yapalsi M/A KG and Primary School. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(12), 1-9. Retrieved from