Features of Word Formation of Various Parts of Speech in Modern Russian

  • Kakharova Nilufar Nuridinovna Teacher of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan, Kokand
Keywords: word formation, methods of word formation, suffixation, prefix, substantiation, addition, abbreviation


This article discusses the features of word formation of various parts of speech of the modern Russian language. Significant parts of speech are described, namely the noun, adjective and verb, which are characterized by originality, both in terms of word formation methods, and in relation to derivational affixes and derivational meanings characteristic of each part of speech, which will determine the specifics of morphological phenomena accompanying word production as part of the word-formation chain.


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How to Cite
Nuridinovna, K. N. (2022). Features of Word Formation of Various Parts of Speech in Modern Russian. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(11), 155-159. Retrieved from https://cajssh.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJSSH/article/view/503