Methods of Teaching Dialogic Speech to Students in Uzbek Schools

  • Mirzayunusova Z. I. Associate professor of Kokand state pedagogical institute, Uzbekistan
Keywords: communicative goal, dialogue, stereotype, self-assessment, game situation


This article deals with the methods of teaching dialogic speech to pupils of Uzbek schools. It is emphasized that the situations created by the teacher in the classroom are organized as an interweaving of role expectations and informal personal manifestations. The student, depending on the type of his personality, on the degree of proficiency in the language being studied, on the specific role in this situation, can “express himself” or “hide behind his social role”.


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How to Cite
I., M. Z. (2022). Methods of Teaching Dialogic Speech to Students in Uzbek Schools. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(11), 112-115. Retrieved from