The Life and the Scientific Activity of Nuriddin Al-Sabuni

  • Axmedov Anvar International Islamic academy of Uzbekistan, MD program student of 2ndgrade, Islamic studies faculty
Keywords: Nuriddin Al-Sabuni, the teaching of Maturidiyya, kalam school, Fakhriddin Razi, Süleymaniye Library, Kardari


The purpose of the study will be the scientific activity of Nuriddin Al-Sabuni, his lifestyle, researchs and the role they play in framing the teaching of Maturidiyya. This article also considers to familiarize the reader with the context of some of the research works carries in that time. It is important to point out that most of manuscripts of his books saved in Turkey exist within the libraries that are specifically oriented in kalam studies, but tend to give a general religious higher education, especially, aqeedah teachings.


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How to Cite
Anvar, A. (2022). The Life and the Scientific Activity of Nuriddin Al-Sabuni. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(11), 56-60. Retrieved from