Improving Student's Speaking Skills Through Explaining the Content of the Explanation Text with a Contextual Teacing and Learning (CTL) Approach (Classroom Action Research on Class XI Social Studies Department Students)

  • Yarsi Anwar Indonesian Language Education Study Program, Postgraduate Manado State University
  • Santje Iroth Indonesian Language Education Study Program, Postgraduate Manado State University
  • Elfira Umpulumayu Indonesian Language Education Study Program, Postgraduate Manado State University
Keywords: talk explaining or commenting, approach contextual teaching and learning


Contextual teaching and learning approach, is a relevant approach applied in learning to speak through explaining or commenting on the contents of explanatory texts, so that it can help teachers overcome students' difficulties in the learning process of speaking at school. This study aims to improve speaking skills through explaining the contents of explanatory texts using a contextual teaching and learning approach. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, while the type of this research is classroom action research (CAR). The research was divided into two cycles, each cycle was carried out twice. Research data obtained through (1) observation, (2) test and (3) documentation. The research location is in SMA Negeri 4 Ternate City with the research subjects being 25 students of class XI IPS. The results of this study are as follows: First, the use of a contextual teaching and learning approach can improve the quality of learning speaking skills. This can be seen from the improvement in the process of learning situations where students are more focused in learning, students are also more active in learning to speak. Second, the use of contextual teaching and learning approaches can improve students' speaking skills. This can be seen from the results of the initial test (pre-action) to the second cycle test. The initial test (pre-action) was 61.56%, the first cycle test was 71.84% and the second cycle test was 88.53%. Based on the results of these studies.


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How to Cite
Yarsi Anwar, Santje Iroth, & Elfira Umpulumayu. (2022). Improving Student’s Speaking Skills Through Explaining the Content of the Explanation Text with a Contextual Teacing and Learning (CTL) Approach (Classroom Action Research on Class XI Social Studies Department Students). Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(11), 24-36. Retrieved from