The Abolition of the Kokand Khanate by the Russian Empire and the Formation of the Fergana Region and the Formation of the Colonial System of Government

  • Ravshanov Sherzod Rakhmatovich Researcher of Navoi state pedagogical institute
Keywords: politics, colonial, government, population, volost, Skobelev, serfdom, province, resettlement, metropolis


This article describes the resettlement policy pursued by Tsarist Russia after the occupation of the Kokand khanate by the Russian Empire in order to form and colonize the Fergana region and its negative consequences.


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How to Cite
Rakhmatovich, R. S. (2022). The Abolition of the Kokand Khanate by the Russian Empire and the Formation of the Fergana Region and the Formation of the Colonial System of Government. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(9), 1-5. Retrieved from