From the History of Studying the Archeological Ruins of the City of Kuva (Qubo)

  • Alokhunov Alisher Akhmadjonovich Senior Lecturer of Department of World History, PhD of historical sciences
  • Nazirov Jahangir Kozimjon Ugli FSU Department of World History "Archaeology" specialty 1st stage graduate student
Keywords: culture of urban development, Kuva (Qubo) city ruins, city, Pamir-Fergana expedition, defensive walls, arch


This article depicts an archaeological survey of the Kuva city which has been one of the main economic and cultural centers with an important role in Central Asia.


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How to Cite
Akhmadjonovich, A. A., & Ugli, N. J. K. (2022). From the History of Studying the Archeological Ruins of the City of Kuva (Qubo). Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(8), 63-67. Retrieved from