Issues of Language and Speech in the Works of Alisher Navoi

  • Tojiboyeva Mahbuba Rahimovna Associate Professor of Uzbek Language, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Kokand state pedagogical institute
Keywords: language, speech, Alisher Navoi, Muhokamatul lughatayn, didactic ideas, ghazal


The article illustrates the language and its importance for the nation as well as the speech and its power. Moreover, the article determines some issues of language and speech in the masterpieces by Alisher Navoi. Great Uzbek thinker Navoiy was one of the considerable scholars of his own period.


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How to Cite
Rahimovna, T. M. (2022). Issues of Language and Speech in the Works of Alisher Navoi. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(6), 137-140. Retrieved from