Some Informations About the History of “Siberia Bukharians”

  • Rakhmanberdieva Nadira Bilalovna Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanities, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization National Research University
Keywords: Siberia Bukharians, Central Asia, trader, history, Russian Empire


This article provides some information about the history of “Siberia Bukharians”. Under the name of the Siberian Bukharians lived representatives of the people who came from Central Asia. They carried out various missions in Western Siberia.

Merchants, who received large profits on the northern caravan routes, began to build permanent residences for themselves in Western Siberia. Relatives and compatriots of Bukharians began to settle in these areas. Siberia Bukharians are immigrants from Central Asia. As a result of resettlement in Western Siberia, large areas arose, so the name was given to the Siberia Bukharians.

The article reveals their goals, statistics and other historical processes of the development of Western Siberia.


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How to Cite
Bilalovna, R. N. (2022). Some Informations About the History of “Siberia Bukharians”. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(5), 179-181. Retrieved from