Sources of Information on the Ethnic Composition of the Population of the Kokand Khanate

  • Sattorov Amin Second-year master at the Faculty of History at the Samarkand State University
Keywords: East Turkestan, Farhod fatherhood, mountain Tajiks, Dilshodi Barno, History of Turkestan, Muntahab at-tavorix, Uratepa region


This article gives a few examples of how the migration processes that took place in the Kokand Khanate from the second half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century were left in the sources of that time. It also discusses the causes of these migration movements, the policies of the rulers, and the impact of military conflict. The conflict of interests between Kokand and the Sin Empire of China, especially in East Turkestan, also gives a brief account of the migration of many East Turkestans to the Kokand Khanate.


1. Sang Muhammad Badahshi. Tarihi Badahshan/ Materiali po istorii Sredney i Central'noy Azii H -XIX vv. Tashkent: Fan, 1988.
2. Mullа Olim Mаxdum hoji. Tаrixi Turkiston
3. Аbdullаev U. Fаrg’onа vodiysidа еtnoslаrаro jаrаyonlаr
4. Mullа Olim Mаxdumhoji. Tаrixi Turkiston
5. Dilshodi Barno.Tаrixi muhojiron
How to Cite
Amin, S. (2022). Sources of Information on the Ethnic Composition of the Population of the Kokand Khanate. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(5), 142-144. Retrieved from