The Family is the Hearth of Spirituality and Upbringing

  • Abdurasulov Oktamjon Marifjonovich Lawyer, independent researcher
Keywords: marriage, family relations, society, legal marriage, sharia marriage, marriage contract, material support


This article analyzes the theoretical and practical aspects of the family - the basis of society, an important link, which is not only a personal matter, but also its social significance, the legal basis of marriage - family relations and the implementation of the rights and obligations of family relations. In addition, this article contains current problems in families and promising suggestions for strengthening the family.


1. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan-Tashkent: “Uzbekistan”, 2018.
2. Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.-Tashkent: "Justice", 2018.
3. Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.- Tashkent, 2021.
4. “Rules of registration of acts of civil status” of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan // Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 14.11.2016. VMQ -387.
How to Cite
Marifjonovich, A. O. (2022). The Family is the Hearth of Spirituality and Upbringing. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(5), 85-88. Retrieved from