Appellate Mechanism in Investment Arbitration: Novis Inventis or Sophistication of Existing Mechanism?

  • Shakhzoda Tuychieva
Keywords: Appellate, Mechanism, investment


In the past two decades, investment treaty arbitration has faced multiple challenges and criticism, which caused critics toward its efficiency and actual workability. However, it is still the main and the preferable method of dispute resolution between States and investors. Arbitration under the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) or UNCITRAL (The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) allows an investor to sue a host state before an ad hoc arbitral tribunal for violations of bilateral investment treaties (BITs) or trade and investment agreements (e.g., the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)). Investor-State Dispute Settlement (hereinafter the “ISDS”) has been criticized for the lack of an appellate mechanism and the inconsistency and unpredictability of specific arbitration awards that are rendered. These shortcomings have often been attributed to the lack of a unified approach to ISDS and the lack of exact involvement of non-disputing parties in the proceedings.

            This Article aims to examine the necessity of an appellate mechanism in investment treaty arbitration in the framework of legitimacy and complexity of the existing procedure. Part II briefly identifies the existing post-award process, including the final and binding nature of the awards, and annulment award procedures. Part III then explores the implementation and discussion of the initial draft presented by UNCITRAL Working Group III. The Article is both descriptive and normative in outlook. Upon thorough scrutiny, I came to the conclusion that there should be an appellate mechanism for investment treaty disputes for the reasons identified below



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How to Cite
Tuychieva, S. (2022). Appellate Mechanism in Investment Arbitration: Novis Inventis or Sophistication of Existing Mechanism?. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(5), 35-49.

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