Peculiarities of the Spread of Religions in Southeast Asia

  • Dilafruz Mahmudjanovna Turdieva Senior teacher, Department of UNESCO, Religious studies and Comparative Study of World Religions, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan
Keywords: Islam, Buddhism, missionary, Southeast Asia, Hinduism, tolerance, Malacca


The article discusses Buddhism and Islam, which are currently main world religions in the region of Southeast Asia, including Malaysia. Among main religions like Hinduism, the spread of these religions also had its own characteristics, in contrast to the processes that took place in other countries, although the Islamization of the region has continued for decades, even centuries, and the region has not seen Arab military action.

The spread of Islam in the region of Southeast Asia, it developed under the influence of the religions that existed there, and over time began the process of syncretization with the customs of other surrounding religions. It is noteworthy that at the time of the penetration of Islam, the population accepted it not as a foreign religion, but as a pre-existing belief.


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How to Cite
Turdieva, D. M. (2022). Peculiarities of the Spread of Religions in Southeast Asia. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(4), 23-28.