History of Earthquake Research

  • N. N Kurbanov Researcher of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami N.N Kurbanov
Keywords: earth, earthquakes, earth's crust, volcanoes, tectonic activity, landscape, thermonuclear, reservoir, nature


The Earth did not freeze, the geological history of our planet shows that in many periods tectonic movements were much stronger. There were also more peaceful and calm times. During such periods, rocks were eroded and sediments were transported to deeper layers. After that, tectonic movements intensified and mountains appeared, volcanoes began to erupt, large cracks appeared in the earth's crust. In general, tectonic movements can last from a minute to several hundred thousand years. A lot of rocks moved along these cracks, which led to a significant change in the shape of the globe.


How to Cite
Kurbanov , N. N. (2022). History of Earthquake Research. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(4), 8-12. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/NPA4V