The Process of Dekulakization in the Surkhan Own in 20-30 Years of the XX Century and the Division of Kulaks Into Category

  • O.A. Isaev PhD, Senior Research Fellow of the Museum of Repression Victims in TerSU
  • M. Kulmuminov TerSU teacher
Keywords: Century, Division, Kulaks, Surkhan


When talking about the period under study, it is impossible not to dwell on agriculture, which is the link of the economy. In the 1920s and 1930s, the main occupation of the local population of the oasis was agriculture, and the Soviet government was well aware of this. Not ignoring this, the Soviet government abolished individual farms and began to collectivize them en masse. These farms were carried out by districts, leaving a negative mark on the policy pursued by the Soviet government. The newly formed Soviet government called the population's self-sufficient farms "kulaks" and "rich" and divided them into classes and abolished them as a class. The abolition of "kulak" farms as a class will be carried out through the following measures. [1, 56-57]: firstly, all “kulak” farms, individual taxpayers, exploiters deprived of the right to vote on the basis of economic status will be liquidated, and secondly, “kulak” irrigated lands, courtyards, large fields of trees, working animals, food, complex agricultural inventory, processing enterprises were confiscated and transferred to the indivisible funds of the collective farms. The Soviet government also provided for the abolition of all agreements on debt, debt obligations on the "kulak" farms, usury obligations, and thirdly, the mass relocation of "kulak" farms deprived of land and means of production from the collectivization areas, active against collective farms.


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5. Сурхондарё вилоят давлат архиви, 18-жамғарма, 1-рўйхат, 521-иш, 28-варақ
6. Сурхондарё вилоят давлат архиви, 18-жамжарма,1-рўйхат, 521-иш, 5-варақ
7. Сурхондарё вилоят давлат архиви, 18-жамғарма,1-рўйхат, 521-иш, 7-варақ
8. Сурхондарё вилоят давлат архиви, 18-жамғарма, 1-рўйхат, 521-иш, 43-варақ.
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How to Cite
Isaev , O., & Kulmuminov, M. (2022). The Process of Dekulakization in the Surkhan Own in 20-30 Years of the XX Century and the Division of Kulaks Into Category. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 3(2), 9-12. Retrieved from