Opinions and Comments on the Book by Architect M. Bulatov on Geometric Proportions in Architecture

  • M. R. Jo‘rayev Assistant, Department of Architecture, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Keywords: architecture, renaissance, geometry, proportion, square, pamphlet, art, theory, philosophy


During the so-called Eastern Renaissance in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, such architectural monuments were created that attracted the attention not only of scholars dealing with the history of architecture, but also of art fans on all continents. In many languages of the peoples of the world there are a number of scientific researches devoted to these monuments, works on the history of architecture. Nevertheless, there was a lack of research on the theory of Central Asian architecture. It was as if in ancient Byzantium and Rome, there was no medieval Oriental architecture theorist like Alberti, the great theorist of the Italian Renaissance. 


1. М. С. Булатов. Геометрическая гармонизация в архитектуре Средней Азии IX-XV вв. Москва. 1978 год.
2. Х. Ш. Пўлатов. Архитектура ва шаҳарсозлик тарихи. Ўрта Осиё архитектураси. Ўқув қўлланма. ТАҚИ. 2000 йил.
3. Н. Ж. Абдуллаев. Санъат тарихи. Тошкент. 2002 йил.
4. М. Қ. Ахмедов. Ўрта Осиё меъморчилиги. Тошкент. 1995 йил.
How to Cite
Jo‘rayev, M. R. (2021). Opinions and Comments on the Book by Architect M. Bulatov on Geometric Proportions in Architecture. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 2(12), 36-38. Retrieved from https://cajssh.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJSSH/article/view/207