The Importance of Creative Methods and Technologies in the Socialization of Students

  • Xodjayorova Bahora Akram qizi Doctoral student of Samarkand State University
Keywords: Globalization, socialization, disproportion, deviation, creative, subjective-objective, subjective-subjective, skill, communication, Meeting people, at breakfast, brave students, social diagnostics, psychocorrection, psychotherapy


This article is complex in terms of the scope of pedagogical activities aimed at studying the problems of socialization in the process of globalization today and finding positive solutions to them. Data on deviations and deviations from the norm, among which are focused on the most important areas of socio-pedagogical activity in the conduct of preventive work.


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How to Cite
qizi, X. B. A. (2021). The Importance of Creative Methods and Technologies in the Socialization of Students. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 2(9), 1-11. Retrieved from