Yusuf Hamadani’s Views about Passion Education and Honesty

  • Nunnanova Gulzoda Bekpulatovna Teacher of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: Yusuf Hamadani, mysticism, passion, passion upbringing, tax, sect, murshid, purity, honesty, passion ammora


This article analyzes the views of Yusuf Hamadani about the upbringing and honesty of passion, which is described in the treatise "Odobi tariqat". There is also an opinion on the mystical teaching of the thinker, such as the spiritual states of the solic, the morality that must be practiced, the rules of prayer, the benefits of being in opposition to mathematics, the incarnation, satan and the passion.


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How to Cite
Bekpulatovna, N. G. (2021). Yusuf Hamadani’s Views about Passion Education and Honesty. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 2(6), 58-64. Retrieved from https://cajssh.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJSSH/article/view/133