From the History of the Activity of Notary Offices Operating in Samarkand Region at the End of Xix-Beginning of XX Centuries

  • Sherzod Researcher of Samarkand State University
Keywords: judicial reform, regulations on notarial parts, regional court, world judge, documents related to notarial offices, register, notary skills, notary archive, inspection


In this article we will talk about the reforms in the judicial system conducted by the Russian administration in the Turkistan region, about the work carried out on the establishment of the activities of notary public offices in the Turkistan region. In particular, the results of inspections conducted by the notaries established in the Samarkand region and its constituent cities, notaries operating in these offices, judges assigned to perform notary duties were studied.


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How to Cite
Sherzod. (2021). From the History of the Activity of Notary Offices Operating in Samarkand Region at the End of Xix-Beginning of XX Centuries. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 2(6), 52-57. Retrieved from