From the history of economic relations between central asia and india (XV-XVII centuries)

  • Halimov Talat Turaevich Bukhara State University
Keywords: Central Asian khanates, India, Timurids, Babur’s dynasty, trade, diplomacy, economic relations, taxes, merchants


This article describes the interactions between the Central Asian khanates and the Babur’s dynasty in India in the XV-XVII centuries. The role of economic, political and cultural ties in bilateral relations during the period under study is highlighted. Several types of trade relations are discussed and explained separately. The article also presents a number of facts based on historical sources.


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How to Cite
Turaevich, H. T. (2021). From the history of economic relations between central asia and india (XV-XVII centuries). Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 2(5), 22-25. Retrieved from