Some Aspects of The Khiva-Kazakh Relations in The 18th Century: Comparative Analysis of Narratives and Archive Documents

  • Nigora Allaeva DSc. Institute of Oriental Studies after named Abu Rayhan Beruni Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
Keywords: Khiva-Kazakh relations, Russian Empire, Kazakh steppe, Khiva Khanate, Eastern policy, Abulkhair-Khan, Elbars-Khan, Nadir shah, Kaip-Khan, Nurali sultan.


The article illustrates the peculiar character of Khiva-Kazakh relations in the 18th century through the direct involvement of the Russian Empire, which manifested itself in the form of Khiva-Russian-Kazakh relations. It analyzes the issue of accepting Russian allegiance by the Kazakh khanates and the attitude of the Khivan side towards it, was one of the important aspects of the tripartite nature of the Khiva-Kazakh relations. On the basis of the cross-referencing (comparative) analysis paper argues on the interpretation of the document – “the Abulkhair Khan’s letter to the Khan of Khiva” in 1731/1732. To reveal the nature of historical events there are compared historical materials of “Firdavs ul-iqbal” of Munis and Ogahiy is one of the Khorezmian chronicles with the Russian archival documents.


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How to Cite
Nigora Allaeva. (2024). Some Aspects of The Khiva-Kazakh Relations in The 18th Century: Comparative Analysis of Narratives and Archive Documents. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 5(8), 362-368. Retrieved from