Methods of Building Tolerance in The Museum Area
museum, excursion, exhibition, tolerance, ethnography, cooperation, foundation, exposition, art, contextualization.
The article examines the development of museum work in the practice of the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan. With the help of the museum, solutions to the problems of ethnic and interethnic tolerance have been developed and their practical results have been analyzed. The effectiveness and efficiency of educational programs of historical and ethnographic museums are determined by the national and confessional characteristics of the audience.
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Akhmetova A.R. The Museum of Islamic Culture is a center for broadcasting and preservation of historical and cultural traditions of Russian Muslims . 2023.
Bezzubova O. V. The museum is an institution of divine, scientific and ideological discourse. Abstract cand. philosophy science SPb., 2003;
Islam in Tatarstan: Experience of tolerance and culture of socialism . - Kazan: Master-Line, 2002. - P.51
Kaulen , Kossovoy I.M., Sundievoy A.A. Muzeynoe delo Rossii. - M.: Izdatelstvo "VK", 2003. - P.150.
Komarov I. Dva klinka, dva klyma // Orujie. Autorskoe. Cold. Khudojestvennoe. M., 2004. No. 1.
M. V. Basova // Russkoe iskusstvo iz sobraniya Gosudarstvennogo muzeya istorii religii. - M. : Belyy gorod, 2006. — S. 76. — 303 p.
Novokhatko K. Museum program and museum product // Museum. 2011. No. 7. S. 55
Sapanja O. S. Methodology of the theoretical museum. SPb., 2008;
T. M. Troshina . Contemporary interactive museum of space tolerance. Yekaterinburg. - 2008. C.75.
Technology of porcelain and earthenware production, M., 1975 ;
Chugunova A. V. Sotsiokulturnyi obraz modern museum. S. 14.;
Shakhnovich M. M. , Chumakova T. V. Museum of History of Religion, Academy of Sciences of the USSR and Russian Religious Education (1932-1961). — SPb. : Nauka, 2014. — 458 p.
Shlyakhtina L. M. The mission of the contemporary museum and the context of the actual problem of the museum // Museology , museums and menyaushchemsya mire: Sbornik materialov mejdunarodnogo symposium. Barnaul, 2008. S. 40-41.;
Ismailova J.Kh., Levteeva L.G. Museum Uzbekistan. -Tashkent: 2020, c155.
Fayzieva V. Refinement place //- Gulistan . - Tashkent , 2019. #1. -B 46-47.
Tolstova S.P., Zhdanko S.M., Abrazona N.A. Narody Sredney Aziy i Kazakhstan. -M.: publication Academy of Sciences SSR. 1963.- c 112
Orifjonova G. Historical and cultural aspects of preservation, research and presentation of the ethnocultural heritage of Uzbekistan of the early 19th-20th centuries. History is a science. name dis – T., 2020 – 167 p.
How to Cite
Bekenova Aliya Absattarovna. (2024). Methods of Building Tolerance in The Museum Area. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 5(8), 341-348. Retrieved from