Uzbek weddings: traditions and modern approaches

  • Bakhtiyor Robiddinovich Isokov Namangan State University
Keywords: Uzbek people, wedding, ceremony, tradition, customs, ritual, holiday, national mentality, groom, bride, ancestors, spirituality, ambition, luxury, extravagance, national values


This article describes weddings, which are one of the most important parts in the spiritual culture of the Uzbek people, and their role in society in a social, economic and everyday life. It focuses on the public terms related to Uzbek weddings, their usage, current issues of Uzbek weddings and historical and modern approaches to their procedure of celebration.


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How to Cite
Isokov, B. R. (2021). Uzbek weddings: traditions and modern approaches. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 2(5), 1-5. Retrieved from