Triumph of Spirituality against Materialism in The Old Man and the Sea

  • Fouad Abbas Ali Department of Theoretical Sciences, University of Wasit, Al Kut, Iraq
Keywords: spirituality, materialism, triumph, The Old Man and The Sea, Hemingway


In Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, the thesis tries to disprove materialism by demonstrating how spirituality triumphs over materialism. When the protagonist's decisive will triumphs over life's challenges, such a victory is attained. The work is divided into four sections, the first of which serves as an introduction to the novella. The novella's second portion examines the idea of materialism in the context of Marxist ideology. The final portion examines key quotations from Hemingway's story to disprove the idea of materialism. Finally, the story concludes with a conclusion and recommendations for additional research.


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How to Cite
Ali, F. A. (2024). Triumph of Spirituality against Materialism in The Old Man and the Sea. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 5(2), 9-13.