The Role of B. Kh. Karmisheva in Studying the Ethnography of the Surkhan Oasis

  • Jalaluddin A. Hamrayev Termiz State University, Termiz, Uzbekistan
Keywords: B.H. Karmisheva, ethnography, Surkhan oasis, essays on the ethnic history of the southern regions of tajikistan and uzbekistan


During the scientific activity of B.Kh.Karmisheva, he made 15 scientific trips to study the ethnogenesis and ethnic history of the population of the southern regions of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. B.Kh.Karmisheva's research is an important source for researching the ethnic history, material and spiritual culture of the inhabitants of the southern regions of Uzbekistan, including the Surkhan oasis.


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How to Cite
Hamrayev, J. A. (2024). The Role of B. Kh. Karmisheva in Studying the Ethnography of the Surkhan Oasis. Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 5(2), 5-8.